In case you guys weren't aware, Father's Day is June 16 and just like for mom, I'M DOING A GIFT POST.
Honestly, shopping for your dad is a lot different than shopping for mom. Maybe it's just my dad. I used to get him ties and dress shirts every year. A few years we decided to improve on his wardrobe (yeah dad, those tube socks were awful and the low ones are BETTER), but other than that..... No more ties.
Also, why does everyone think that we should get dad's tools, cufflinks, and golf clubs? I've never once heard my dad say "another year, and yet no band saw". He doesn't wear cufflinks (does anyone?) and he has a set of golf clubs that I've never seen him use. Also, everyone thinks that dad's like fishing. Sure, my dad likes fishing, the same way he likes to golf. I've never seen him go out of his way to do these activities. Perhaps my dad is weird? This is a real possibility, but all people think their dad is a little odd.
Could it be that shopping for boys is just hard for me? Even for hubs I'm at a loss. Last year for Father's Day I got my dad a boxed set of Monty Python DVD's and a big thing of gourmet jelly beans.
This year, we're going to get Dad something other than ties! We'll get him cool stuff!! Note: All pictures, prices, etc are from Not because they're paying me (but if Amazon DOES want to pay me, I'm super interested), but because it's easy and lots of times you can get free shipping.
If you want, a boxed set of DVD's of whatever he likes is a pretty simple gift. Nerd out if you know that's what he's into, or go with something lots of people like. Include whatever candy they prefer with it. Next time the cable goes out, Dad will be thankful.
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS!? So good. It's on Netflix, but for $19.99 for the DVD and $22.99 for Blu-Ray, it's really not bad. Also, it'd be worth it for the extras. Which now I kinda need to watch. |
People are super into Game of Thrones. Season 1 DVD boxed set is only $39.99! $47.99 for Blu-Ray, but make sure he has a player before you invest in the upgrade. |
Okay, so this is kinda pricey at $142.62 for the Blu-Ray's but that's a bargain considering what you get! And, if you have enough siblings, you can split it with them and be less than $50 per. Get mom or your grandparents to pitch in too. IT'S ALL THE BOND MOVIES. COME ON. |
Let's say your dad is into games! Family game night alert!
Scrabble, upgraded a thousand times. The Premium Deluxe Wood Edition is $89.99, but it's also classy as hell. Like, this game belongs in a study with a marble chess set. |
Only if your dad is outrageous should this be purchased for him. $25.00 for the pack, but you can buy expansions. If he likes it, you can get him those for other occasions. |
People love this game, including my in-laws. $37.80 for this one, but again, expansions abound. |
So you want to go old school. That's fine. WHATEVER, BE BORING.
You can use whatever superhero Dad likes best, be he could totally grill in this. $15.97 for dad to be able to say "HULK NEED MEAT" as much as he wants? Priceless. |
Classic. $14.99 is a bargain. |
WHO WEARS CUFFLINKS? These are $29.99 and are also actual real compasses. Really, they should have another purpose because I still think these are myths. |
Note: Only buy this for your dad if he actually does crossword puzzles. Otherwise you will puzzle him with this totally random necktie. $14.95 |
Go back to my Mother's Day post and you'll notice a fair number of gift cards. These are totally okay for Dad, too. I don't know what your dad likes, but if all else fails he'll find something he likes on Amazon! Also acceptable are Beer of the Month clubs, beer gift baskets, or a bottle of his favorite alcohol (seriously, I have no idea what your dad likes). If you're feeling poor and also sassy, buy him a card, put $7 in it, and write "Happy Father's Day! Thanks for raising me well enough that I'm not a stripper! That being said, here's all the cash in my wallet. It'd probably be more if I was workin the pole, but I'm not. So there."
Remember, your dad was the one who took your car to get its oil changed, paid for those expensive braces that haunted the time you spent in puberty, and opened those really difficult jar lids. Mine even embarrassed me at the Father-Daughter dances for Girl Scouts with his horrible dance moves.
Thanks for all you do, Dad. P.S. Sister and I have yet to decide on what we're getting you so don't ask.
Me and my dad! |
We won't discuss this mustache. Ever. |
Buff looking dad, chubby baby Katie. |
Go forth and get Dad something nice! Leave comments with suggestions, compliments, and limericks. I love limericks.
Your Dad thinks this is great. Thanks for NOT fussing about the mustache period, it was never my idea to begin with. Love YA