We're no longer going to speak of the massive failure that was the home made hair mask. It was gross and a mistake.
Instead, we're going to talk about something I bought at the store! SO. MUCH. BETTER.
Pre-treatment, banana free hair. |
I bought this one. Mostly because I love Paul Mitchell's tea tree products. This sells for about $18 on Amazon, but I got mine at the Commisary for about $15 |
I don't know what these little beads are supposed to do, but I like them. I started with this amount, but ended up using about 3 blobs of this size to get all of my hair. |
After applying, put your hair in a bun to keep it out of your eyes, then relax and shave your legs or whatever. Keep it in for about 15 minutes before rinsing well. NOTE: You really want to keep this out of your eyes. You know that extreme cold of chewing mint gum and then drinking ice water? Imagine that, only it's your eye. Less pleasant. |
Post-treatment, my hair was super soft, smelled fresh and minty, and it didn't leave my hair greasy or oily like some conditioners do. Also, I have a dinosaur necklace on. We should mention this. |
This product was kinda pricey considering you only get 7 oz in a bottle, but since I ended up using about an ounce, and use the product once a week, I'm getting almost 2 months worth of product, and spending around $2 per treatment. If you really want to extend the life of the product, use a half and half mix of it with your regular conditioner.
Yeah the homemade mask was only pennies, but having bananas in your hair is GROSS. Personally, this is worth it to me.
Also, here's a picture of Bear Grylls creepin on me in the shower.
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