Monday, April 8, 2013

The 25 Things That Make Me Instantly Happy

Stolen from xoJane and pretty little thingamajigs, I'm going to share with you guys the things that just always give me joy, and I hope you'll make a list of your own, because it's just FUN. And also, no judging, because this isn't the regular internet, this is my blog, where everything is great and people are nice.

1. Hot, steamy showers, that I sit in while I read a book on my Kindle
2. When Puma checks on me while I'm in the bath, just poking her head in
3. Sharing pictures of my cat and kitten with people who really really want to see them
4. Kittens. And puppies. Just holding them
5. FaceTiming my mom and sister while I'm cleaning my kitchen and all three of us chatting about nothing
6. Skyping with Shannon for hours
7. New episodes of my favorite sitcoms
8. When my guess of an answer is right when I watch Jeopardy
9. Peeling the plastic off of new appliances and electronics
10. Pizza
11. Hearing the song I just was hoping to hear come on the radio
12. Grabbing the hubs' butt. Publicly or privately, that booty always puts a smile on mah face
13. Watching snow fall
14. Reading a brand new book by one of my favorite authors
15. Baking 48 cookies just so that I can smell them baking, instantly turning anywhere into home
16. Putting on sweatpants after a long day
17. The first sip of iced coffee in the morning. But it has to be made with coffee that was brewed the night before, poured over ice, and with 1% milk
18. Getting a little tipsy and dancing
19. A freshly cleaned, spotless kitchen
20. Tostito's lime chips
21. Root beer floats
22. My engagement ring
23. Emoji's
24. Taking off my shoes and socks after Zumba
25. Making lists

Make one. It helps. this girl is legit, she was my babysitter back when I was living in the 'burgh. She did this and it's the reason I did it. And it felt really good. Do it! Now!


  1. I agree with 1, 3, 6, 8, 15 (If they're made by you), 16 (I'm doing that now) and 22 of course.

    I think I need to make one of these as well. You've convinced me.

  2. I will officially start following this blog...I just had a tremendous laugh! :) oh btw...not to be a grammar Nazi, but in your "About Me" read over the Navy wife part.
