Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Introducing Myself

Hi! So I'm Katie. I've never really blogged before, but when my best friend invited me to guest blog for her I realized I had tons of ideas. More about what I'll be writing about later, for now I'm sure you want to know who the hell I am.

As I said, I'm Katie. I'm only 20, and a newlywed. My husband and I have been together for 5 years, most of which were spent with him at the Naval Academy. For those who don't know, it's in Annapolis MD, which is where we're both from. We actually met while we were both in high school, and no one was more surprised that we stayed together through everything than I was. You'll hear all about what dating at the Academy was like at some point. Also, you'll hear about Navy life, which is basically a big bundle of uncertainty, acronyms, and some truly sexy uniforms.

Anyway, now that he's graduated, it's time to start Real Life as an Adult. I'm starting out in Pensacola Florida.

Some major players are going to be heavily mentioned/featured here, so you should know who they are.

My mom, Jennifer. She lives in Tampa near with my sister. Awkward moment, my parents got divorced a couple years ago, so we're kinda starting over at the same time. Which is nice. It also leaves her almost no room to judge, which I love. Her cooking is divine, her cleaning tips wonderful, and is always willing to FaceTime with me when I'm in the middle of an "I'm not at all prepared to handle this" scenario. Woman cannot craft or sew to save her life, but her Christmas cookie table is a work of art.

My older sister, Andrea. Also living in Tampa, she's engaged (wedding in April 2014), working as a nurse, and has an adorable English Bulldog named Meaty. This girl has called me from 1,000 miles away to ask where something was in the refrigerator. Until recently her cooking was limited to breakfast, but she's learning. We're also trying to teach her to eat more leafy greens. However, she's also pretty crafty.

My best friend, Shannon. She's still in Annapolis (lucky) and in college. After blogging for about 2 years, she's gotten me totally into it, hence this blog I'm writing now. Engaged and planning on a wedding in 2015, we are basically soul mates. Her fiance is my husbands best friend, and it's AWESOME. 

My husband, who we're going to refer to as Hubs. At times I am completely dazzled by him for being so incredibly awesome, like when he made perfectly cooked salmon over a campfire in the rain, but then he goes and puts my red jeggings in with the blue jeans, getting blue splotches all over the back, that I'm fairly certain he's a total idiot. He's also my rock and I have no idea what I would do without him. Secret talents include sewing, ironing, and cat taming.

My cat, Puma. She's 5, completely insane, and also the cutest cat on the planet. We call her our relationship cat, since she was born right about when we started dating. Her hobbies include shredding $4 flip flops, sleeping on clean laundry, and begging for food while we're in the kitchen. About the begging, we feed her meat; lunch meat, chicken, turkey, bacon, tuna, flounder, beef... often directly from the cutting board or package, so now we have to show her if we're cutting fruits or veggies before she'll believe it's not meat. Phoenix and I are both completely obsessed with her.

Then there's me. I'm super messy, don't like cleaning, but am a damn good cook. Since we've moved I've purchased 5 different herb plants, and each one of them have died. Hobbies include buying in bulk, cheesemaking, and attempting to create an image of being an adult to the world.

This blog is going to be varied. I'll be giving tips on wedding planning, married life, cooking, cleaning, and the weird things no one really says about becoming a Real Adult, like how hard and confusing and expensive it is.

See you soon!

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