Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring Is Coming

.....Did you guys get that that was a Game of Thrones reference? I don't even watch it, but I know that's a thing.

Anyway, spring has sprung. Basically, in the buttcrack of the Florida panhandle, this means for the next 6 months we become the redneck riviera. People from all around (well... not the other Floridians, but yeah) come to go to the beach. To be fair, the beaches here are really nice. It's the Gulf of Mexico, and the sand is so clean and white it SQUEAKS. Weird but true fact.

The best part about this is.... I GOT A NEW JOB! I'm now officially a waitress and I start on Wednesday. On a related note, I am now the owner of the fugliest pair of black non-skid shoes on the planet. Luckily I already am the partial owner of 20 pairs of black socks (okay, they're Hubs', whatever). 

Allergy season is coming. I can tell. I take Claritin all year round, so I'm already pretty well prepared, but I'm sensitive, so I still suffer the consequences. The procedures during allergy season aren't awful, but they're what keep me sane. I'll share them with you.

1. Shower at night and WASH YOUR HAIR

All the pollen, dust, and crap is in your hair, then when you go to sleep you're basically laying your face in it for 8 hours. Bad plan. If you have dry hair, condition it instead of washing it, maybe use that cleansing conditioner (Wen? Is that it?) they sell on TV. I don't care what you do, just wash it. It's the reason you wake up being unable to breathe through your nose and have a scratchy throat when you wake up.

2. Change your pillowcase

Seriously, buy a ton of them at KMart or Target. I like white ones because I can bleach them, but that's also why I have white sheets and towels, so I'm a little crazy. Same reasons for doing so as above, but it's the extra measure. Also, if you have pets that love your pillows (like my cats do) it'll give you a fresh start every night.

3. Don't sleep in the shirt you wore during the day

I've never been able to do this anyway, but Hubs sometimes does and even him doing it almost killed me. Your bed needs to be a totally fresh start since you're spending so much time in it.

4. Get yourself a Neti Pot

This is a safe space, so I'm not going to lie to you. Doing the Neti Pot is so gross. It's basically a little genie lamp filled with warm saline. Cute sounding, until you actually use it. Over a sink, you basically tilt your head to the side, then pour it into one of your nostrils until it comes out the other side. I'd include a picture, but it's really not cute, so just google image search Neti Pot. You'll see. Anway, what it does it cleans out all the allergens from your sinuses, plus all the congestion you already have. This will save you a tons of tissues and a round of antibiotics (to treat the sinus infection you know you're going to get).

5. Wash your hands!

Screw the germs, I wash my hands every time I touch dust or pollen. I get a weird eczema-like rash if I slip up, but since I also touch my face and hair, I'd just be spreading it around. Depending on the exposure, I also go into the bathroom and gargle some water and clean out my nose. Then, I take my contact-cleaning eye drops to make sure my eyes don't get red and watery. Prevention is everything. 

All of these tips come straight from my mom, who had two kids and a husband with awful allergies. Woman has spent more time at the allergist than any person should. So if you don't like any of the advice that's your problem, but you'll never discredit her in my mind.

In other news, this little kitten is totally insane. Baby Bear Grylls discovered that he really likes finding my toothbrush, then carrying it around the house in his mouth before he chews on the bristles. I can't use that toothbrush anymore, which is sad. I took him to the vet the other day, and he's 3.5 lbs! He was 1.8 only four weeks ago!! He's getting so big. Also, Hubs and I like to joke that he only has one facial feature at a time, because his nose and mouth are so black you can't see them, until he yawns and then he's allllllllllll mouth. Hilarious.

Also, Gerred and Mike moved away, so now whenever lunchtime comes I'm underwhelmed. Instead of the chaos of 3 guys coming in and eating, now only Hubs comes home.

Tomorrow is Easter so hubs and I are having lunch at one of our friends' house (hey Heather!). I'm so excited.

Maybe next I'll cover spring cleaning.... What do we think?

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of information, maybe too much. That probably means you are on the right track...
